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Benefits of fish oil (Omega-3) for children

Fish oil is good for children's bodies... Many of us have heard this before. And although the topic seems to have been discussed, described and outlined many times, when it comes to children, many people have many questions.

Do children really need fish oil? What are the benefits? Or is it just for immunity? What is the difference between fish oil and Omega-3? How to choose the best ones? How often and in what quantities?

These and similar questions will be answered in this article.

Do children need fish oil?

The benefits of fish oil for children have been proven in numerous scientific studies. It provides children with fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. But most importantly, it also provides them with the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3.

Omega-3 - a substance that is not produced by the body itself (neither in children nor adults), but is essential to us because it is part of the membrane of every cell and is essential for the normal functioning of many of the body's systems (nervous, cardiac, visual, immune).

The only source of these fatty acids is food, and the best known source for us is fish. So it has become commonplace to say that children need fish oil, when in fact the most important thing for them is Omega-3 fatty acids.

Is fish oil the only source of Omega-3?

Before we start talking about sources of Omega-3, it is worth discussing what Omega-3 fatty acids are.

You may have come across abbreviations such as EPA, DHA and ALA. These are forms of Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • alpha linolenic acid ALA (plant-derived omega-3 fatty acid)
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (marine origin);
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (marine origin).

Children need the most appropriate form of DHR. It is only found in products of marine origin - marine fish, seafood and seaweed.

ALA is not absorbed by the body at all. It has to convert it into EPA and DHA. The body can do this, but the conversion rate is very low, only 10-0.5-%

How can a child get enough Omega-3?

Infants need to be sufficiently supplied with Omega-3 fatty acids, as their brains and eyesight are developing rapidly during the first years of life, and their immunity is developing.

There are two ways to get them:

  • through breast milk,
  • by taking them yourself.

If the mother is self-feeding, then she should consume Omega-3 fatty acids herself and get at least 2000 mg daily to ensure that the baby gets enough of these fatty acids.

If the mother does not feed or consume Omega-3 fatty acids herself, then the child needs to be supplemented.

This is because babies don't eat fish or other seafood at all, and older children simply don't eat it or don't eat enough of it. In addition, quality, clean, ship-grown fish is now virtually impossible to find.

Therefore, the only way to provide this essential nutrient to little ones is through food supplements.

Benefits of fish oil (Omega-3) for children

Omega-3s are the substance on which perhaps the most research has been done. They all confirm that these fatty acids are essential for a child's normal physical and mental development.

What is it Omega-3 (fish oil) benefits for children?

They are needed:

  • for good brain development,
  • for normal physical development,
  • good development of the visual system,
  • immunity,
  • normal functioning of the nervous and mental systems,
  • good sleep quality,
  • normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, etc.

In addition, a number of studies have shown that Omega-3 fatty acids can alleviate the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), improve cognitive function and learning performance.

How to choose fish oil for children?

There are indeed many fish oils on the market. How do I make sure I don't get lost and choose the best and most effective?

Here are some tips on what to look out for...

Omega-3 fatty acid content of EPA and DHA in fish oil or seaweed oil

When choosing fish oil, study the ingredients carefully. It lists the total amount of fish oil in the daily dose, the amount of Omega-3s and the amounts of EPA and DHA separately. It is the Omega-3 content, not the fish oil content, that is important. The recommended daily intake of Omega-3 depends on the weight of the child. See below for recommended daily intakes.

Please also note the other additional ingredients. The fewer the better. It is best if they contain only natural ingredients: vitamins E, A, D, olive oil containing polyphenols and, if the oil is flavoured, natural juices.

Choose natural fish oil or seaweed oil

Fish oil (Omega-3) can be natural or concentrated.

The difference between natural fish oil and concentrated fish oil is that in concentrated fish oil, the structure of the natural fatty acids is altered by various chemical processes to artificially concentrate the Omega-3 fatty acids. To date, very little is known about how concentrated (and hence processed) fish oil is absorbed by the body, so it is better to consume natural and non-concentrated fish oil, as its effects are closer to those of eating fish.

The origin and quality of raw materials is important

It is important to know that quality fish oil is made from wild-caught fish, not farmed fish. Farmed fish are low in Omega-3 and high in Omega-6 because they are fed a diet rich in Omega-6. And we already get too much of this fatty acid.

The quality of the raw materials depends largely on the time taken between catching and processing. The longer this time, the lower the quality of the raw material will be, as the Omega-3 in fish oil starts to oxidise. The unpleasant smell and taste of fish oil and the post-consumption rancidity are indicative of low raw material quality.

Therefore, when choosing products, look for information from the manufacturer.

Search for certificates

It is best to buy certified fish oil from reputable producers who openly disclose Certificates and are always available to you . Quality fish oil is properly purified and free of contaminants, toxins, heavy metals, allergens, etc. Norwegian producers have many years of experience in the production of fish oil.

Choose a shape that suits your child's age

Fish oil comes in two forms - liquid (oil) or solid (capsules, gumdrops).

Liquid fish oil is usually recommended for babies and children under 2 years old, while older children who can already chew and swallow well can be given capsules or gummies.

Both forms are absorbed equally.

Quality fish oil will not be very cheap 

A measure of the quality of fish oil is TOTOX (Total Oxidation Value). The higher the value, the lower the quality of the fish oil and the lower the price. However, fish oil with a high TOTOX also has a low efficiency and is often the cause of reflux.

The price will also depend on the raw material from which the Omega-3 fatty acids are produced. From small marine fish or seaweed products will be slightly more expensive.

Recommended daily allowances for children

Your baby should receive omega-3 fatty acids from as early as 4 weeks of age. The recommended daily intake is always indicated on the packaging. However, this usually indicates the age of the child.

Indeed Omega-3 the daily intake is based on weight rather than age (for both children and adults). NORSAN and the doctors who work with them recommend:

Up to 10 kg - 300 mg Omega-3,

from 10 kg to 17 kg - 500 mg Omega-3,

up to 35 kg - 1000 mg Omega-3.

A child should consume omega-3 fatty acids throughout the year, without interruption, unless he/she eats 3 to 5 times a week of good quality marine fish.


Omega-3 fatty acids Children are essential, but it is important to choose high-quality and effective ones. Norwegian products for children NORSAN are designed responsibly and lovingly, and with sustainability in mind. In addition, thought has been given to children who are allergic to fish products or whose parents do not consume fish. For them, the company offers Vegan Omega-3 products made from seaweed.

Ensure a healthy and happy childhood for your little ones!

NORSAN Omega-3 oil and gum for children

Rich in marine EPA and DHA fatty acids

Omega-3 Fisk

 Optimal combination of small wild fish and cod liver oil

1,120 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids per day (1 teaspoon)

Omega-3 Fisk Jelly, gummy

Natural oils from small wild fish from sustainable fisheries

250 mg Omega-3 per gelatin lozenge

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